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Companion Services

Introducing Compassionate Companionship: Enhancing Lives with Lehigh Valley Companion Care Homes’ New Service

At Lehigh Valley Companion Care Homes, we understand the unique needs of individuals with intellectual developmental disorders (IDD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Companion Services program, designed to provide personalized support and enhance the lives of individuals and their families.

Understanding Your Needs:

Our compassionate and qualified companions are committed to fostering independence, building social skills, and promoting community engagement. We take the time to understand each individual’s unique needs, strengths, and preferences to create a personalized support plan that focuses on:

  • Social interaction and emotional support: Combating loneliness, offering a listening ear, and assisting with navigating social situations.
  • Daily living skills assistance: Providing support with personal care, meal preparation, housekeeping, and errands, fostering independence and dignity.
  • Community inclusion and engagement: Accompanying individuals to appointments, social events, leisure activities, and community outings, promoting a sense of belonging and participation.
  • Structured activities and routines: Creating and maintaining routines, engaging in stimulating activities, and practicing life skills based on individual interests.
  • Communication and behavior support: Using positive reinforcement and effective communication strategies to help individuals express themselves effectively and manage challenging behaviors.

Additional Services:

  • Respite care: Offering short-term relief for families and caregivers, reducing stress and promoting well-being.
  • Transportation assistance: Ensuring safe and reliable transportation to appointments, activities, and community events.
  • Advocacy and support: Advocating for the individual’s rights, needs, and preferences in various settings.
  • Sensory support: Creating a calming and supportive environment that caters to individual sensory sensitivities.

The Lehigh Valley Companion Care Homes LLC Difference:

We are committed to providing exceptional care with a personal touch. Our companions are carefully selected, extensively trained, and passionate about supporting individuals with IDD and ASD. We prioritize:

  • Individualized care plans: Tailored to each individual’s unique needs and goals.
  • Qualified and experienced companions: Trained in positive behavior supports, communication strategies, and specific to working with IDD and ASD populations.
  • Open communication and collaboration: Working closely with families and caregivers to ensure seamless support.
  • A commitment to quality: Continuously monitoring and improving our services to deliver the best possible outcomes.

Start Your Journey Today:

If you are looking for compassionate and qualified companion services for your loved one with IDD or ASD, contact Lehigh Valley Companion Care Homes LLC today. We offer a free consultation to discuss your individual needs and answer any questions you may have. Let us help your loved one thrive and experience the joy of meaningful connection and community engagement.