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Respite Services

Find Your Oasis: New Respite Services for Individuals with IDD and ASD at Lehigh Valley Companion Care Homes

At Lehigh Valley Companion Care Homes, we understand the unwavering dedication and challenges faced by caregivers of individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disorders (IDD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new respite services, offering families and individuals much-needed relief and time for rejuvenation.

A Personalized Break, Tailored to Your Needs:

Our respite services go beyond simply providing supervision. We create individualized plans that cater to the specific needs and preferences of both the individual with IDD/ASD and their caregiver. This could include:

  • In-home respite: Qualified companions provide compassionate care and engaging activities in the comfort of your loved one’s home.
  • Out-of-home respite: Your loved one enjoys a safe and stimulating environment at our specialized respite care facility or partnering community programs.
  • Community-based respite: Companions accompany your loved one on enriching outings, social events, or leisure activities within the community.

Benefits for Everyone:

  • For individuals with IDD/ASD:
    • Reduced stress and anxiety in a supportive environment.
    • Opportunities for socialization, exploration, and personal growth.
    • Development of independent skills and self-confidence.
  • For caregivers:
    • Time for rest, relaxation, and personal pursuits.
    • Reduced risk of stress-related burnout and improved well-being.
    • Stronger family relationships due to quality time apart.

The Lehigh Valley Companion Care Homes Difference:

We offer more than just respite; we offer peace of mind. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Compassionate and qualified staff: Our team comprises experienced professionals with a genuine passion for supporting individuals with IDD/ASD.
  • Person-centered approach: We collaborate closely with families to create individualized plans that truly reflect their needs and goals.
  • Safe and stimulating environment: All our settings prioritize comfort, safety, and sensory-friendly spaces.
  • Engaging activities and outings: We offer a variety of enriching activities tailored to individual interests and abilities.
  • Open communication and collaboration: We keep families informed every step of the way and ensure seamless transitions.

Start Your Respite Journey Today:

Don’t wait to prioritize your well-being and the well-being of your loved one. Contact Lehigh Valley Companion Care Homes today for a free consultation. We’ll answer your questions, discuss your specific needs, and help you find the perfect respite solution for your family.